Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Sometimes on a sunny day I
Listen to the sounds of life,
Ignoring all the trouble & strife
Surrounding me.

I focus on the inside
All the possibilities
Possibilities in me.

Breezes blow, trees wave
Bow in serenity,  perfect praise
To the possibilities in me
To the possibilities in we

Sunflowers grow across toxic fields
Sweet dandelions purify as they heal.
Seeds of promise grow from within
Possibilities in me my friends
Possibilities in we

Wind, rain, or shine I sit down &
Listen to the sounds of life
Ignoring all the trouble & strife
Surrounding me.

I focus on the inside
At all the possibilities
Possibilities in me
Possibilities in we

(excerpt from Possibilities poem & lyrics by MINERVA)


  1. Hello Ms. M
    I'm experimenting here to see if my word press will let me through to say hey to you....and WOO HOO...it seems to be a success so I can say your blog is lookin' good...
    six weeks, posting once a week minimum...give it a go.

  2. Breezes blow, trees wave
    Bow in serenity, perfect praise
    To the possibilities in me
    To the possibilities in we

    wonderful imagery for me today...thank you


I would love to hear your thoughts on this. Please feel free...