The Little Girl Inside
A freedom story in three parts
Theres a little girl trapped
inside of me
Afraid to come out
Afraid to live and breathe!
It was a long time ago when she
Afraid to come out
Afraid to live and breathe!
It was a long time ago when she
ran inside herself
to hide herself
from herself
She decided to be other than herself
being what they, you, and he wanted
her/me to be,
Believing you would then
love me
because the true me
that you can not see
I believed…
was not good enough
to be
loved by thee
So there's this little girl who hides inside
rides inside
and dies inside
a little each day
as she lies inside…
to herself, to you, to me
And over so many years through time
she played the chameleon game of MIME
Blaming each and all for the pain that binds
her heart inside
with her inside
the little girl inside
How can it be
that you are not
in-love with me
said she?
Since I am the thing you wanted to see
not me
but the me
I could be…
The fantasy
of the woman…I thought
you wanted me
to be?
The little girl inside
began to quake
began to moan and groan
“Let me out! of this dungeon hole”
that binds my arms
and ties my soul’s legs
that takes my spirit and makes it dregs …
a shadow of
its/my former self
Her inner voice began to
vomit inside
from the person inside
the little girl inside
that use to lie inside
to herself and me/thee
“True dat” you see
Now each time the person that she played
could not be
held by she!
The little girl inside
could not lie inside
I want to live
I want to breathe
a life that’s lived.
This hiding place no longer
feels safe
In fact it kills my soul
a little each day
And with that cry
she chanted the warrior's call
The universe replied
with true friends – souls tall
the ones that allowed the
little girl to grow and purge
awkward at first
trying to stretch her new found legs
into the stride that she knew…
was her’s
Doubt demons surfaced
holding her former self
down to the ground
they battled round after round.
Each time she fought them,
the battle waged on, she
not willing to succumb
to what had become
a half-lived life.
Then came one…
He came close to her heart
but could she part?
with her familiar tools?
Could she believe
could she sustain
the idea that she
was worthy to love
not to blame--
To be loved by this
spirit untamed??
Afraid to trust
in her new found heart
which had been
a part from her soul,
against her mind
she determined to climb
to love sublime.
Throughout –
the demon battle waged
she could not be caged
Long arrows of doubt, seeking to pierce
her fierce
wings of freedom.
The little girl inside
who had hidden inside
This time decide—ed
to fight
with all her might
The battle with the greatest
demons of all…
her own.
And the untamed spirit?
When she looked into his eyes
beneath the superior warrior guise
was a child
deep inside of he
like she
Perhaps also wanting
to be free.
(Next post = Saadi approaches Malik)
Wow!!!! I relate to this so much